We can help you restart your life.

Our doctors and specialists have the tools you need to have a healthy mind and a maintain a happy life. Let us help you today.

Book Appointment Now
A woman therapist sitting talking to a man while she writes on a clipboard.

Is this your first visit?

Psychiatric Initial Evaluation

During your first visit, we will spend time getting to know you, and perform an evaluation of your mental struggles. We will then formulate a customized treatment plan that will get you back to a healthier mind.
Duration: 50 minutes
Cost: $300


Need a follow-up visit?

Psychiatric Follow-Up Appointment

On a follow-up visit, we will evaluate your current mental well-being and assess the progress being made. If medications have been prescribed, we will monitor for effectiveness, and make adjustments if necessary.
Duration: 30 minutes
Cost: $200

A therapist sitting, observing a man and a woman hugging on a couch.
A man with a little girl on his back, laying down and both are smiling.

The help you need is here.

We offer high-quality therapy for a wide range of mental health issues. Whether you or a loved one is struggling with a mental health disorder, a behavioral issue, or any other mind obstacles, we are here to help.
Common mental health struggles that we can help you overcome are:

• Anxiety
• Panic Disorder
• Phobias
• Mood Disorder
• Depression
• Bipolar Disorder
• Psychotic Disorder
• Schizophrenia
• Eating Disorder
• Self-Harm
• Addiction
• Autism
• Insomnia
• Marriage Problems
• Anger Problems
A hand holding up a white puzzle piece.

Psychiatric Evaluation

During the initial evaluation we will explore the current psychiatric state of mind. Factors that may affect the mind include developmental history, medical history, family history, social and environmental stressors, academic or work concerns, and emotional and cognitive struggles.

We will follow the evaluation with a customized treatment plan that may include counseling, intervention, cognitive behavioral therapy, and/or medication if necessary.

Doctor sitting at a table with a clipboard, a pill bottle , and a 3-D diagram of a brain.

Medication Management

Many mental disorders may require medication as part of the treatment plan. As much as possible we use therapy and counseling before medication is prescribed, but when necessary, our psychiatrists may prescribe medication to help advance the treatments.

Medication management is an essential part of what we do. We assess the effectiveness of the medication in each patient carefully, and look for side effects and interactions, in order to get the best results.

A table with several wooden blocks with black icons of people and one red icon of a person in the middle.

Opiate Addiction Treatment

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction to opioids, our clinic is here to get you back to where you need to be. Along with therapy, we offer addiction treatments such as Suboxone, which is a highly effective treatment for opioid detoxification and has proven to be a great tool in the road to recovery.

Overcoming an opiate addiction is a challenging task to undertake alone. Our doctors and comprehensive treatment plans can help you in maintaining a long-term recovery.